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The Lujero's

I realized shooting a family is not easy. You will encounter alot of challenges just like your normal challenges in your day job. The main focus is to capture real connections, aim the images that are true, no matter which truth you want to showcase. I'll break it down to problem kids, undying demands and requests from parents and the list goes on. Despite all these, the real challenge is to only show the amazing images masking what you really went through during the shoot. That's how I get through most times. don't get me wrong, it's not always the clients' problem though. Well, I've had my fair share of failed, unorganized photo shoots. I came totally unprepared. I figured I'd just go, set up, and shoot. Not realizing the damage it could make, the embarrassment of not wanting to see and talk to those people again, my integrity, my name, the impression I made failing to deliver and come up with good images. I've learned that, as a photographer, to be able to give more meaning to the photos, one must have real connection to the clients even if it means being a counselor for few hours to understand each personality. I am not a professional photographer and this is how I learn. As they always say "you won't learn until you make your own mistakes". My clients are most acquaintances. I do not personally know them although I have my favorites to shoot to say the least, those I know by heart, which made it easier to capture the images.

The Lujero's is one of the former. I knew them from a close fiend. They became familiar to me by the stories I heard. And from those parts and parcels of stories I know - - - A POTENTIAL F-U-N shoot! Why not? And so I offered and they gladly accepted. I am happy with how the final images came out. Another one for the books!

I've taken photos of Gergel & Towet once when they were pregnant with their first child (check out the link). I sincerely wanted to ask if they were open to have a full story of their first born until she grows up. But I didn't have the chance to do so. Circumstances happened, I guess. Nevertheless, I am glad that they agreed to have another shoot with me, this time with their two kids. I love kids but I am not expressive to them. Or maybe I do not know how to be (?) Each, though, have their own characters. But you would see the sisterly connection of these two loves.

To Gergel & Towet, you make a lovely couple, responsible parents, and a funny way of upholding your family. The pleasure of taking your family photos is all mine and I hope to be able to do this again with you.

See the full collection of this lot > Familia Lujero

Your comments are welcome, as always :D

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